Monday, November 30, 2009

Gavalia Kaffe New Customer Promo Deal Rocks!

Try Gevalia and Get This
Coffee Bundle for Only $9.95 plus S&H!

  • FREE 12-cup Coffeemaker & Stainless Steel Coffee Scoop

  • 2 Boxes Gourmet Coffee

  • Coffee delivered direct to your door on a schedule you set

  • NO obligation. Keep the gifts even if you don't continue to enjoy our direct delivery program

  • Our "love your coffee or it's free" guarantee

  • Only $9.95 plus $5.95 S&H 

I was a customer a few years ago but I recently signed up again using a different credit card # and shipping address so I could get another coffee maker just to keep at a friend's house. I've taken to avoiding going out for coffee to save money (unless it's a social thing) as it's not hard to spend as much on a drink as the entire pack of coffee costs. I compromise by making and enjoying good coffee at home.

If you decide to continue the program and have to pay full price, Gavalia's coffee is definitely not cheap (as compared to grocery store w/coupon). However, it is good and the foil packs do keep freshness.

I was very disappointed they were out of the Dark Chocolate Truffle when I signed up the other day, but I see it's now back, so I will definitely have to schedule that for the  next shipment.

Google Wave Free invite!

I have spare Google Wave invites yay!

Figured I'd share one as a way to test blog traffic, as this blog currently less than refined work in progress.

Since invite can be used only once, this is first come first serve as it will no longer work after the first person has completed sign up.

Happy Waving!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Twilight fonts and character handwriting

Twilight series fonts
Each character has their own "handwritten" font for sending letters and notes at various points throughout the series. Below are samples with the associated book and page numbers for comparison.

Book title
Font: Zephyr
Price: $20.00 USD
Source Foundry: P-22
License: Commercial

Windows PostScript
Windows Truetype
Mac Postcript
Mac Truetype

new moon
breaking dawn

Other sources:

Bella's handwriting
Font: Pablo
Price: $29.00 USD on
License: Commercial

Format: Mac & Win OpenType - PostScript Flavor (.otf)

$25.99 USD
Windows PostScript
Windows Truetype
Mac Postcript
Mac Truetype

Bella and Edward Quotes
Sample from Eclipse (Book 3) Page 88

The pilots are passed out drunk
Easy. I'd fly the plane.

Both Engines have exploded and
we're falling in a death spiral toward Earth

I'd wait until we were close enough to the ground, get a
good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump.Then
I''d run you back to the scene of the accident, and we'd
stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history.

Other sources:

Edward's handwriting
Font: Carmilla
Price: $18.00 USD on
Source Foundry: Scriptorium
License: Commercial

OpenType OTF
OpenType TTF
Windows/Mac OS X TTF
Mac PostScript
Mac TrueType
Windows PostScript

Edward Quote
Sample from Breaking Dawn (Book 4) page 119

I'm hoping you won't notice my absence, but,
if you should, I'll be back very soon. I've just gone to
the mainland to hunt. Go back to sleep and I'll be here
when you wake again. I love you.

Other sources:

Alice's handwriting
Font JoeHand 2
Price: 12 € on
Source Foundry: JOEBOB graphics 
License: Commercial
Demo available:
Format: TrueType

Alice Quote
Sample from Breaking Dawn (Book 4) page 558

Don't Look for us. There isn't time to waste.
Remember: Tanya, Siobhan, Amun, Alistair,
all the nomads you can find. We'll seek out
Peter and Charlotte on our way. We're so sorry
that we have to leave you this way, with no
goodbyes or explanations. It's the only way for us.
We love you.

Other sources:

Aro's handwriting
Font: Lucida Blackletter
Price: $25.99 USD on
Source Foundry: Monotype Imaging
License: Commercial

Windows PostScript
Windows Truetype
Mac Postcript

Aro Quote
Sample from Breaking Dawn (Book 4) page 531

I so look forward to seeing the new Mrs. Cullen in person.

Other sources:

Charlie's handwriting
Font: Asa
Price: free
Source Foundry: unknown
License: unknown/freeware

Windows/Mac OS X TTF

Charlie Quote
Sample from Eclipse (Book 3) Page 197

He said he didn't mean it, and that
he's sorry. He wants you to call him.
Be nice and give him a break.
He sounded upset.

Other sources:

Jacob's handwriting
Font: Almagro
Price: free
Source Foundry: unknown
License: Freeware

Jacob Quote
Sample from Eclipse (Book 3) page 4

Yeah, I miss you too. A lot.
Doesn't change anything. Sorry.

Other sources: