So, after a few weeks and a period of lots of rain my flower pot garden is doing acceptably well. Hanging tomato planter has lots of green tomatoes on it, pepper plant is much taller and getting ready to bloom and herbs (chives, basil, rosemary, parsley and mint) are growing like weeds.
The zucchini has more flowers on it and less foliage than before, but none of the flowers seem to be producing and it appears to be due to a lack of pollination...not many bees in my city back yard. I'd self pollinated the tomatoes to ensure they'd fruit and it appears I have to do this with the zucchini as well. The blossoms never really seem to open which makes it difficult for nature to take its course. Instead the zucchini blooms and then nothing, the flowers fall off and die including the tiny fruit on the female flowers. I'd made the mistake of not putting any holes in the bottom of the pot and it was drowning in over a gallon of excess water by the time I came back to pour it off. Since then some of the leaves died off and it appears less leafy over all. I'm eager for some edible results.
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